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    PPD InEXE Flags

    +---+ +---+ +---------------+ +---+ +---+
    | R | | C | |R|R|R|R|R|R|1|R| | V | | V |
    +---+ +---+ +---------------+ +---+ +---+

    The flags are made up from 3  bytes.   For this version of InEXE, all
    the flags should be 0, except  for  bit  1 (second bit from the left)
    which should be 1.  This is  the  InEXE  flag  and  must obviously be

    R is reserved and must be 0.

    C is the compression flag and must be 0.

    Notice that bit 0  must  be  0  as  there  are  no  names in an InEXE
    database, just plain data.

    The 2 bytes  following  the  3  byte  set  of  flags  is  the version
    number.  The first byte is the  high  version number, the second byte
    the low version number.  If  the  version  were  1.00, the first byte
    would be Chr(1) (not  the  character  '1',  this is not BCD), and the
    second byte would be  Chr(0).   If  the  version were 1.50, the first
    byte would be Chr(1) and the second would be Chr(50).

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson